Having trouble with your Audio in Zoom? Below are some ways to troubleshoot your audio in Zoom. If you are having trouble wit zoom on your iPad/iPhone click here.
First thing we need to make sure the microphone doesn't have a red slash through it, as shown below
If it does, this just means your microphone is off. To turn on audio click/tap the microphone. If your audio is still not working follow some of the steps below.
Audio Settings in Zoom
To open Audio settings, click/tap the small up arrow next to the mic icon.
Then click Audio Settings, this will open the system settings for your computer.
Test your speakers. If you are not hearing the class, start here. Slide the output volume up and down to a comfortable level.
Test your microphone. Sliding the input volume will make your voice louder and softer to the others in the meeting.
Occasionally having too many mics/speakers connected will cause conflicts. If you suspect that is an issue, start by disconnecting all external equipment and plug in one item at a time to find the best configuration.
If you need any further assistance, please contact GetSetUp Support. We are here for YOU!